Why us

We are proud of our reputation for dependable, high-quality work and for dealing fairly and honestly with our customers. From start to finish, we take great care in every project, and our goal is to ensure complete customer satisfaction. Our customers come first, and we strive to do the best job possible.

Call us on: (530) 562 5718


MTN Painting is a family-owned and operated business in Truckee, California. From start to finish, we take great care in every project. MTN places a significant emphasis on the quality of our painting services, from preparation to completion. We do not believe in cutting corners in any way; each task is completed meticulously and carefully. We are dedicated and committed to excellence.





we are a conscientious contractor who is committed to ethical business practices. We are licensed, insured, and have a successful track record.

Our mission.

Our mission is to provide each client with personalized, high-quality service. We are a small group of painters who prioritize quality service and attention to detail to ensure that you receive exceptional service. MTN places a high value on the quality of our painting services, from preparation to completion.

superior service.

MTN Painting has provided superior service throughout Lake Tahoe for a number of years. We are an experienced and skilled commercial and residential painting company. Whether you want to redecorate your home or your commercial office space, we have the appropriate service for you.

Certified professionals

We hold all necessary licenses and are fully insured. We are aware of how expensive it can be to hire a professional painter, and we will do our best to accommodate your budget while still providing you with the results you are looking for.

Our goal

Our goal has remained consistent over the years: to improve and secure our customers' homes by providing high-quality painting services. We take pride in our ability to offer an excellent custom service.